You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!
What kind of seltzer will we be making?
Heavily fruited seltzer - more fruit than nectar!
Clear, with natural flavorings (just like some of the most popular hard seltzers)
Dry hopped, like an IPA
Maybe others….
Is our hard seltzer gluten free? Dairy free?
Lulz will be gluten and dairy free, unless we are working on a special project. This will be labeled on the can and will be communicated to our team and fans.
Why is the ABV always 5%? Make a double!
For now, our process allows us to make the best seltzer, with the best flavor at 5% ABV. We may change this as we become more familiar with the process and find ways to maintain the high quality flavor.
Seltzer’s roots lie in it’s drinkability - less ABV is just more drinkable….
Phase Three Brewing makes Lulz? Why isn’t that clear on the labels?
Yes P3 makes Lulz
We want to distinctly separate the brands from each other since seltzer is not really beer..
We want another outlet to be creative both on the production side and the marketing side! ☺